Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ava Cries Out

We know that the time is coming when we will need to say goodbye to to Ava's tattered old "blankie." Ava is 4 years old and she even speaks of her blankie as a 'she.' This week though, through the busy-ness of our schedules, we could not find 'her.' We looked at school in the lost and found, we looked at home, in every nook and cranny. We looked in the car by her carseat. "But mommy, I can't find her. Will you keep looking?" "Yes, Ava. I will now go to sleep. She's around here somewhere- we'll find her." Saying that made my stomache sour, knowing full and well that I did not have a clue where blankie was. We still kept looking.

Well, Ava tried to go to bed that night and she knew that blankie was lost. She tried to go to sleep without 'her.'

She tossed and turned.

She began to mumble.

Then she began crying.

Moaning. "Please Lord, bring her back...

Bring blankie back to me.

I need her Lord. I can't sleep without her.

Find her and bring her back to me"

Oh- you guys, Clint and I stood in the hallway listening to her and our eyes filled with tears. "Poor thing" we thought. She is so sweet. "It will be hard for her to let blankie go." We couldn't do a thing about it. We had looked everywhere. We tore the house up looking for that wash-cloth sized light pink tattered blankie that has pieces of silk hanging off of it. We just knew the Lord was telling us that it was time for us to just let it go. I crawled in bed with her and held her until she fell asleep.

When we woke up the next morning, Ava had gotten in bed with us. Clint and I got out of bed before Ava and we made it into the kitchen, getting ready for the day. A few minutes later Ava walks into the kitchen with the biggest smile on her face. "Look mommy, look what I found?" To our amazement- Ava had found her blankie! "Where was it?" we asked. "It was in your room by your bed laying on the treadmill." No way! I would have seen it! It could not have been right next to my bed, I thought. I looked at Clint and he shook his head. "Wow-amazing."

As we were getting ready in the bathroom a little later that morning. I said, "Can you believe that? Ava cried out to the Lord for her blankie and she found it this morning..." She won't ever forget this." Clint stopped combing his hair and looked at me, "I won't ever forget this!"

This is just want we are studying right now in the book of Moses. Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and the Israelites, who were freed slaves from Egypt began to complain to Moses. They had just witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and only three days later, they began to grumble as the Lord tested them in the desert.

Exodus 15:24 "So the people grumbled against Moses, saying"What are we to drink?" All they had was bitter water from the Marah. Then in Exodus 15:25 Moses cried out the Lord, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet."

Moses cried out to God and God gave Moses a piece of wood to throw into a bank of water and made it sweet- enough for 2 miliion Israelites to drink. That's alot of sweet water. That's a miracle. Kind of like Ava finding her blankie next to our bed after we looked up and down our entire house. God is truly amazing.

We think that most of the time we are here to teach our kids, grow them up to know and honor the Lord. Well this week, Ava taught us a valuable lesson. The next time I need something, whether it be a tattered blankie or sweet water, I will remember to first cry out to the Lord like Moses did- and my little Ava.

Hope you do too. :)


jbpriddy5 said...

What a sweet story Cyndi! Thanks for sharing...we miss you guys!

Andrea Himmelsehr said...

wow oh wow! Thanks for sharing that!!!