Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dancing In the Rain

I read a quote this week, actually I am a little embaressed to admit, but I read it on a Facebook Flair. You can find just about anything on a piece of flair, a symbol, a sign of something you like, or a quote that seems to fit. I chose the quote,

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain."

I enjoyed that quote because I have been through some tough storms in the last seven years. Going through six miscarriages, resigning my position at a hospital after 15 years and leaving a place of worship I called home after 10 years. Those are storms. And yet, through it all, God has provided valuable insight of how He speaks to us through His word and provides for us, even in the storms. In fact, it has been in the storms where I became so close to God's face that I actually enjoyed being in the storm. When we stop and pray and seek God's guidance and flip through the pages of His word, He reveals Himself to us. To me, this is learning to dance in the rain. By allowing God to be glorified, we get the blessing and He gets the glory. So if you look at my Facebook, I have a proud display of a small pin that displays the quote, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain." Thanks for stopping by. May God be glorified through your next storm!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Seth's Three Blessings...

Not very good at "blogging" as I don't usually just like to post my thoughts to the world but today I thought to post warm thoughts from a soon-to-be 7 year old. Seth and Ava were fighting this morning and we gave them a time-out. Time to think, time to reflect. One hour, can you imagine? No television, no Wii, no electronic games. They both took to coloring pictures and writing "letters."

I sat down to pay bills online and Seth followed me in. He said, "Mom, I am bored. " I said, "You are?" as he continued to toss a ball in the air. I sat and thought, 'he has had time to think.' He said, "I've been good-I let Ava have the ball." I said, "Thank you." He looked at me and said, "Can I play the Wii?" (We rented MarioKart this week-which he loves). I turned to him and asked, "What are three good things in your life Seth?" He tossed the ball and caught it. He held the ball for a minute and then said, "I have good parents, I have Jesus in my heart and I love to play sports. I'm good at sports you know." I said, "Yes, Seth you are good at sports." Inside, my heart just melted. I could have have just cried right then. Wow. He could have said, "My Wii, my DS and my trampoline. But he didn't. He had time to reflect and think about what is truly meaningful in his life: His Family, His Jesus and the gift that Christ has blessed him with. So yeah, I let him go play Wii and decided to take a moment to post this as I cry in utter thankfulness for my God, my family and the person Christ continues to mold me into.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My First Blog

Okay. This is my first official post. I have never really blogged before. So. What should I blog about? This week?

This week has been really busy. It is my first full week of work at my new part-time job at UTA AND new role as a discussion leader at BSF. I love BSF by the way. Anywho, I am tired and tomorrow is the first day of being a "DL" at BSF. I am really excited but also nervous. I am so glad God does not call the equipped but He does equip those He calls. (I will be doing alot of praying tonight.)

Thanks for stopping by.