Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dancing In the Rain

I read a quote this week, actually I am a little embaressed to admit, but I read it on a Facebook Flair. You can find just about anything on a piece of flair, a symbol, a sign of something you like, or a quote that seems to fit. I chose the quote,

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain."

I enjoyed that quote because I have been through some tough storms in the last seven years. Going through six miscarriages, resigning my position at a hospital after 15 years and leaving a place of worship I called home after 10 years. Those are storms. And yet, through it all, God has provided valuable insight of how He speaks to us through His word and provides for us, even in the storms. In fact, it has been in the storms where I became so close to God's face that I actually enjoyed being in the storm. When we stop and pray and seek God's guidance and flip through the pages of His word, He reveals Himself to us. To me, this is learning to dance in the rain. By allowing God to be glorified, we get the blessing and He gets the glory. So if you look at my Facebook, I have a proud display of a small pin that displays the quote, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain." Thanks for stopping by. May God be glorified through your next storm!


The Mom said...

Your blog post was very encouraging! I found you using the "next blog" button at the top of the blog before yours. I was impressed and blessed with your site and the way you shared your heart.
May God keep you and your darling family close!
(oh and btw, I LOVE that quote. :) )

Unknown said...

how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!

really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you

Cyndi R. said...

thank you coeur d' court for your kind comments and the blessing.

Cyndi R. said...

glad you liked it goooooooood girl- (sorry if I left out any o's)